
Sex Work and Stigma: A Historical Medical Approach

Toby Baratta (2017) is a student at Grinnell College majoring in Computer Science and Political Science with a concentration in Statistics. She loves data analysis, accessible technology, queer life, intersectional feminism, and cats.  Sex work has been a popular conversation lately in the news and pop media. There have been talks about decriminalization, legalization, and… Read more Sex Work and Stigma: A Historical Medical Approach

The Effects of Medical Technology on The U.S. Economy

Charlie Rosenblum ’18 is an Economics and French major at Grinnell College interested in health economics and development.   On March 23rd, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (or ACA for short) into law. Like many actions that come with the presidency, this was followed by much controversy as critics… Read more The Effects of Medical Technology on The U.S. Economy

Stealing Hurts: A Historical Examination of Health Care Fraud and Abuse in America

Omri Benami is a rising senior Economics/Mathematics major at Grinnell College. He intends on pursuing a career in the Finance or Hi-Tech industries after graduation. Healthcare is a constant topic in American current events, and has been a subject of national concern for many decades. Medicare and Medicaid are large government expenditures, and in theory… Read more Stealing Hurts: A Historical Examination of Health Care Fraud and Abuse in America