medical authority

Nearsighted Normalcy: Evaluating What Frames Our Perspective on Normal Health and Illness

Annie Galloway is a second year undergraduate student at Grinnell College. Most humans want to have full long lives in which they are able to do what they want. Illness interferes with this desire. The Golden Age of American medicine, which created the doctor-as-hero character, promoted the expansion of medical control and the idea that… Read more Nearsighted Normalcy: Evaluating What Frames Our Perspective on Normal Health and Illness

Wonder Bread is scientifically proven to be good for me? Medical Authority and Consumerism in America

  Naomi Worob is a second year Anthropology student at Grinnell College. Currently, she is interested in health and medical humanities, and in connection to those thinking about how the arts and humanities can provide different tools for physicians to interact with and care for their patients. About midway through the semester, I was spending… Read more Wonder Bread is scientifically proven to be good for me? Medical Authority and Consumerism in America

Born Dead: The Culture of Slavery in American Medicine, Then and Now.

Vincent Benlloch is a second-year Philosophy major whose main hobbies include misunderstanding people, being pretentious, and engaging in insufferable debates about epistemology. The history of medicine and the history of race in the U.S. are deeply interwoven. Both medical science and the conception of hierarchical categories of race are intrinsically linked, to the point of… Read more Born Dead: The Culture of Slavery in American Medicine, Then and Now.

Autonomous and Insane: The Gendered, Classed, and Raced Pathologization of Women’s Minds

Johanna Foster is a senior sociology major at Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. Her post-graduation plans involve working in education and the consumption of copious amounts of coffee. Modern pop culture loves to pathologize women’s behavior. Does this seem like a questionable assertion? A quick dive into the murky waters of the popular website,,… Read more Autonomous and Insane: The Gendered, Classed, and Raced Pathologization of Women’s Minds

“Frailty, Danger, and Isolation”: Turn-of-the Century America and the Pathologization of Old Age

Meredith Carroll is a rising senior at Grinnell College, where she studies history, plays flute, and braves the Iowa climate as a campus tour guide. Her interests include the history of the popularization of science and its intersections with the history of the book. She can regularly be found ensconced in Grinnell’s Burling Library, with… Read more “Frailty, Danger, and Isolation”: Turn-of-the Century America and the Pathologization of Old Age

Let Your Freak Flag Fly: Constructing Health and Reinforcing American Exceptionalism through the Display of Othered Bodies

Ellen Schneider is a student at Grinnell College in Grinnell, IA. She is studying history and education, and hopes to become a middle school social studies teacher. In her free time, Ellen can usually be found going to estate sales, thinking about architecture, and asking people on the street if she can pet their dogs.… Read more Let Your Freak Flag Fly: Constructing Health and Reinforcing American Exceptionalism through the Display of Othered Bodies